

Please follow these guidelines:

  • Order your repeat prescription at least 1 week before you are due to run out. 
  • Order earlier than 1 week if there are bank holidays coming up.
  • Please allow us 72 hours (3 working days) to process your prescription request.
  • Only order what you need when requesting repeat prescriptions. 
  • We do not accept repeat prescription requests over the phone.

Ordering a Repeat Prescription

Repeat prescriptions can be ordered in the following ways:

The NHS App

Order repeat prescriptions via the NHS App or NHS website, and have them sent to a pharmacy of your choice.

Learn more about the NHS App

The NHS App has limitations when it comes to making requests for items that you do not need every time. 

If you’re looking to request an item like this, try the other options below.

Online Form

Order your repeat prescription via our online Repeat Prescription form.

You don’t need an account to use our online form.

Use our online form


In Person

Please allow us 3 working days to process your prescription request.

You can order in person by returning the right-hand half of a previous prescription.

Or you can submit a handwritten request. You must include your name, date of birth and requested medication.

Place your request in the prescription box next to our Information Desk. 

You may also write out an order for someone else. You must include their name, date of birth and requested prescription.

By Post

Please allow at least 14 days, if requesting your medication by post.

You can post your prescription slip or written request to us at the practice.

Our Address:


Frome Medical Practice
Enos Way
BA11 2FH

Prescription Queries

Please use these options to ask about your prescription.

  1. For the fastest reply use our online form.
  2. Telephone the prescription team Monday to Friday from 10am to midday. Contact them by ringing 01373 301301 and selecting option 4.

More Information About Prescriptions