Mental Health

What does Frome Medical Practice offer?

Frome Medical Practice has a team of two Mental Health Nurse Practitioners who offer support to patients with mild to moderate anxiety and depression. Appointments are available Monday to Friday, with the flexibility of early morning and evening appointments too.

We recognise the strong links to health and lifestyle choices and engaging in the wider community and how this can positively affect and help to maintain changes to ones mental health. Our Health Connections Team can support you with this. 

We offer all patients free mental wellness checks, using the thymia tool. Thymia is designed to help you gain better awareness of your mental wellbeing by tracking it over time, access practical wellbeing tips, which are provided along the way when using the tool and find out about local support and resources, which are available to you to help you improve your wellbeing.

Parents and carers of children aged 3 to 12 have free use of a neuroscience and play based app called lumin&us. lumin&us is an NHS-approved App designed by parents and therapists. It supports families by building and strengthening relationships, reducing conflict and improving family mental health and wellbeing through play, laughter and connection.

Our role also involves liaising with health visitors, midwives, district nurses and schools as we endeavour to work together to support your mental health needs.

Other support available

Counselling in Somerset is provided by Talking Therapies. If you are registered with a GP in Somerset and over 18 then it's possible to self refer to this service. Find out more here. 

Our Health Connections Directory lists a number of services which might be of help if you are experiencing mental health issues. Fnd out more here.