Thymia Mental Wellness Check

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Frome Medical Practice is partnering with thymia to provide you free wellness checks.

What is thymia’s Mental Wellness Check?

The thymia Wellness Check offers an easy way to check-in on your wellbeing.

Thymia’s tool looks at micro changes in your voice that are caused by stress and tiredness - whilst you may not notice these small changes, thymia’s highly sensitive voice based technology can spot the changes by listening to just 30 seconds of your voice. By simply reading a short paragraph of text out loud you will receive a score for alertness, relaxation and mental stamina - helping you understand your mental wellbeing and supporting you in your journey to improving it.

What is the tool designed to help you do?

  • Gain better awareness of your mental wellbeing by tracking it over time
  • Access practical wellbeing tips, which are provided along the way when using thymia
  • Find out about local support and resources, which are available to you to help you improve your wellbeing

Now let's get started…