Young Person's Clinic

Our Young Person's Clinic is for our patients aged between 13 and 19 years old. It offers support for sexual health, contraception, anxiety, stress and mental health. 

It takes place every Wednesday afternoon, from 3pm to 5pm. No appointments are necessary. Just turn up at the practice, go to Area 7 (upstairs) and someone will book you in to chat with a member of the team. 

There is no need to worry, our staff deal with all sorts of health problems every day and they will do their best to help you. 

We are here to help with your health and emotional concerns. You can tell us what is worrying you and we will not think your question is silly or judge you.

Other Support for Young People

Our Health Connections Directory lists lots of local and national services that offer support to young people on a wide range of concerns. You can see the Directory here


We provide a confidential service to all our patients. This includes under 16's and visits to our Young Person's Clinic.

This means we will not share information without your consent unless you or someone else could be in danger. We would always try to talk to you about this first.